May 14th: Four-Hour Longsword Workshop
Looking for a gift for that special someone? This is perfect! Give the gift of sword fighting to them. You can send him or her to the class, or you can attend with him! If you know of anyone that you think would enjoy this class, please pass the information onto them or give me a call for more information.
This is a four hour intensive class for the students of the sword that would like to attend class at the school but lives out of the area or just don't have the time to commit each week to class.
Every month we gather for four hours to study the long sword. The first three hours are spent on the curriculum of the school and the final hour is spent working on a specific technique from Fior dei Battaglia (Flos Duellatorum written in 1409).
DEMAS has loaner equipment for the students that do not have their own swords or helmets, all you need to bring are gloves. If you have your own wasters and helmet, please bring them with you.
We will be working outside with masks and maintaining an appropriate distance to protect ourselves, our friends, and our family.
Dress of the day is sweats, a t-shirt, and comfortable shoes.
Time: 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Where: 3266 De La Cruz
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Cost: $80 in advance
$90 at the door
May 15th: Be S.A.F.E. Self Defense
We have all heard about the person who has become a statistic. Most of you figure it’s not going to happen to you. You’re right, chances are it won’t. However, we have to hope for the best, and prepare for the worst. We are on the road a lot, traveling, meeting people, and some have kids that are preparing to go off to college or high school.
You can take this class for your own peace of mind or give the gift of safety to someone you care about. If you know of anyone that you think would enjoy this class, please pass the information onto them or give me a call for more information.
Self-defense does not require a lot of physical strength, if you understand how to use an attacker’s strength against him. You don’t need to be stronger than your attacker, nor do you need to be a black belt to be safe. Learn ways to protect yourself with a 600-year-old Italian Martial Art. Be safe in the future, while drawing from the strengths of the past.
Effective use of your hands and everyday objects around you for your personal protection is easy to learn and practice. Regardless of your age or physical fitness, it is never too late to learn to be safe, NOT be a victim.
The Be S.A.F.E. class is a set of awareness, assertiveness, verbal skills with safety strategies and physical techniques that enable someone to successfully escape, resist and survive violent attacks. The course provides psychological awareness and verbal skills, not just physical training.
Empowerment is the goal of this class. When you feel free and empowered, you are better able to go where you need to and do what you need to do without fear or unease because you have options, techniques and a way of analyzing situations that help you to Be S.A.F.E.
Dress of the day is sweats, a t-shirt and comfortable shoes.
Time: 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Where: 3266 De La Cruz
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Cost: $80 in advance
$90 at the door
Davenriche European
Martial Arts School
Look to the Future, while Drawing from the Strengths of the Past
We Will be Closed Feb. 17 in
Observance of President's Day
We have released a new book called
Steaphen Fick possesses a world of practical and scholarly knowledge based on his decades of research into both the Historical and Modern Fighting Arts of many nations and cultures. He has studied the weaponry and methods of medieval armored knights through the evolution of the fighting arts as outlined by the many Renaissance Masters and their varied schools of Fence and Bladed Arts. He is a fight and conflict detective pouring over clues in treatises and manuals both ancient and modern and his scholarship is unparalleled. Perhaps what I most admire about Steaphen is his practical hands-on approach to it all. Where others are satisfied to study old pictures and arcane language and guess at their intention and usage Steaphen always insists on proving their claims and choices through in-depth exploration and constant physical application. This gives Steaphen a unique perspective and depth of knowledge about the fighting arts that is alive and ever growing. I look forward to plunging into the depths of his latest book and all the secrets his deep dive will reveal.
Anthony De Longis -
Fight Coordinator, Sword Master, Weapons Expert, Actor and Teacher / Trainer / Head Instructor at DPACA ( De Longis Performance & Combat Arts). Black Belt Hall of Fame, USA Martial Arts Hall of Fame, International Knife Throwers Hall of Fame, Ultimate Warriors Hall of Fame

Our Classes
Davenriche offers classes on a variety of Historical European Martial Arts (HEMA) weapons such as longsword, sidesword, and dagger. We also have classes for grappling, knife, stick fighting, modern combat, and self defense.

Workshops and Events
We offer a monthly longsword workshop plus indoor airsoft on the first weekend of the month. In addition Davenriche regularly hosts other workshops, tournaments, and even birthday parties or corporate events.

Our instructors have over a combined 80 years of experience in a variety of western martial arts.
Steaphen Fick opened Davenriche European Martial Artes (DEMAS) in 2000, teaching a handful of students in his garage. Since then DEMAS has expanded to over 130 students and a 8700 square foot facility in Santa Clara, CA.
DEMAS has students ranging from age 8 to 80 and offers courses on historic use of longsword, rapier and dagger, single rapier, the Rondel dagger, the Spada di Filo, fully armoured Combat as well as other weapon systems.
We have based our training on the manuscripts of Fiore dei Liberi and Philippo di Vadi, adapting these medieval combat manuals to modern self-defense. Our curriculum is principle based, allowing the techniques to be applied regardless of whether the student fights with a longsword, a stick, or even unarmed.